
Easy Launch

Without previous experience
Without lots of followers
Without complicated tech
With a new AI tool that anyone can use

You´ll stop wondering how people make money online.

Cause you´ll be one of them.


Many dream of making money online,
but they think it´s too complicated

And I teach others how to do the same.

I believe everybody has a course in them. I’m teaching all kinds of people to do it: coaches, therapists, artists, doctors, athletes…If you have a skill -whatever that skill is: you are great at excel spreadsheets, at nighttime routine with babies, at singing, at real state, at writing…you have an online course in you, that you can build in a way that makes you money even while you sleep.

How? You teach others what you already know. Package those teachings in one online course. Launch it the right way. And set yourself free. That’s what I teach at Easy Launch Academy

I went from newbie -had never made a dollar online- to becoming a top course creator in Mindvalley, building my own 7 figure online business run from my home and being featured in Forbes. 

It all starts with a first step: the decision to go for it. Take a look at this 1 minute video to see how much your life can change just by taking that first step 👟.

Let me tell you how I discovered this

2012 me 🤷🏻‍♀️

I met Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley,  in 2012 and he asked me “Why are you not doing online courses?” and I mumbled something like “Ahh it´s not my thing. I’m not a techie. And I prefer doing in person stuff”.👀

👆 the first photo we took when we met ( 11 years ago) …thankfully, we both upleveled our sense of style 🤣👗👖

But then I became a Mom 🤰🏻

And all my “in person” things went out the window. I didn’t want to leave my baby to go to work.

So I started exploring 🔎 the online world.

I made every mistake you can think of…cause I knew nothing about creating online courses

But I spent 9 years getting better. I learned from the best in the industry 🙌. Vishen himself taught me the best launching methods. The best marketers in the world, like Peter Kell and Alessio Pieroni taught me their tricks…

Today I am one of Mindvalley´s top creators. And I run my own 7 figure company from my home.

By creating online courses, I found the freedom that I could never get in a 9 to 5. I found the financial abundance I could have never gotten even when working 10 hours a day. I have found a way to create a big impact in the world…and above all, I have found the satisfaction of teaching others how to do the same.

You want to make money online, but you don´t know how.

You want freedom to own your schedule, but you feel trapped.

You want to do something you love, without sacrificing time with your loved ones.

You want to stop trading your time for money, but you don´t have passive income

You would love to have your own business, but you´ve never really had one

You want to make a bigger impact, but you feel limited

You can have all of that today, easier than ever before, when you: Turn your current skills into Your Own Profitable Online Course, easier than ever before.

Course CreationAcademy

We help people with zero business experience or tech knowledge to create and launch an online course that they build once and they earn from, for years to come. 


We help people with zero business experience or tech knowledge to create and launch an online course that they build once and they earn from, for years to come. 

"I never thought earning this much money online was possible for me. Im a therapist who has always worked in one-on-one consultations. I created my online course with the Easy Launch Academy method...I have a lot more students, a lot more revenue, and a lot more freedom!"

Christina, Therapist

An Ambitious Independent: You're a go-getter who's been working tirelessly, but you're ready to break free from trading hours for dollars. You would love to create a simple way to earn a lot more money, reach a lot more people, while having location and time freedom.

An Overworked 9-to-5er: You're currently stuck in a cubicle, putting in long hours, and feeling exhausted by it all. You know you're capable of so much more than the daily grind, and you're ready to explore a side hustle that can bring in some serious cash and offer relief from the overwork. You would love to work less, and earn more.

A Family-First person: You've got a profession or a hobby, but you've been holding back from going full-time because you want to be there for your family. You would love to make money doing something you love, from your home.

Before I tell you about this program,
let´s talk about who is this really for... 🤔

Do you dream of having the freedom to work whenever, wherever, and however you desire?
Do you want to be able to make more money with what you already know, without leaving your home?
If you're nodding your head and thinking, "That's me!" 🤭
 Then you're in the perfect spot. I am here to guide you wether you are:

This program will give you the skills, the best tools, and constant support and motivation on your journey to creating and launching a profitable digital course.

And I’ll prove it! (Keep scrolling, my friend.)

“Florencia is a force of nature. Students love every minute of her lessons. She gets standing ovations every time she is onstage and her online trainings are fabulous”

Founder of Mindvalley


From the top in the industry

the easy way

Easy Launch Academy

By the end of this program
you will know...

We start with the core question: What to sell?  you´ll get 100% clarity on what is the best thing for you to sell  (this will help wether you are not sure what your course should be about, or you have an idea) This module guides you in selecting and validating your course niche and topic. You will love our special AI tool to see what are the most profitable ideas in your particular niche, and the best title for your course. We'll teach you effective validation methods and provide a formula for crafting irresistible offers. 


What to Sell

You'll gain a deep understanding of your ideal clients, learning who they are and who shouldn't be your client. We'll guide you in crafting your Customer Avatar, ensuring you speak your client's language. Consider this your advanced marketing class, designed to be not only informative but also fun and engaging. Plus, our special AI tool will help you articulate you understand your clients problems, in their own words for maximum impact.


Who to Sell To

You will unlock the secrets to designing your perfect course step by step. Discover the ideal course type for your needs and learn how to price it, which course modules you should include...and then, you get access to our unique AI tool to do ALL the writing of the modules for you. You'll be the brains behind the operation, while AI becomes your trained robot, to craft a mindblowing course in a few days.


Design Your Course

Whether you prefer to stay behind the scenes, feel camera shy, lack the proper setup, or are on a budget, we've got you covered. Learn to create a slide-based course if showing your face on camera isn't your thing. Gain confidence and skills for on-camera presence. Discover budget-friendly home studio setup tips. Learn to produce engaging video content—no prior editing experience required. We've made it simple and easy for you!


Film/Record Your Course

In this module we create your launch plan together, focusing in all the pre-launch strategies. We will set a 4 week goal plan, with specific actions to leverage your network, and craft all your email marketing and social media content (hint: you won’t have to spend hours writing emails or thinking about what to post on social media…cause our special AI tool will do that for you, and no it will not sound like a robot, it will all be written in your voice).

Pre-launch Your Course

You will learn the real sales formula behind the most successful course creators today. The biggest experts on the planet – people like Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley- personally taught me these formula…and I teach everything to you: what to say, when, and that your sales go off the roof. It's a total game-changer whether you are new to this, or have experience in launching online products.


Sell Your Course

You will learn the post-launch strategies to elevate your game and do even better in your second and third launches. I'll provide insights on analyzing sales data and feedback, helping you understand how to launch even better next time. It's the ultimate guide to ensuring your course's ongoing success, for years and years to come (with minimal effort from your part).


Post-launch Analysis

You will get a comprehensive overview of the different options you have to automate your course. You'll discover how to set up systemsxae'll break down online advertising, in case you want to run ads. Plus, we'll share tips on growing your course business, so you know when and how to expand. It's your guide to creating income that keeps flowing without constant effort.


Build your Passive Income

In this module we create your launch plan together, focusing in all the pre-launch strategies. We will set a 4 week goal plan, with specific actions to leverage your network, and craft all your email marketing and social media content (hint: you won’t have to spend hours writing emails or thinking about what to post on social media…cause our special AI tool will do that for you, and no it will not sound like a robot, it will all be written in your voice).


Pre-launch Your Course

Special Bonus

You´ll get FREE access for 3 full months to our AI tool, that helps you in every step of the course creation process.

Access our special AI tool

We give you the step-by-step plan to make money, from your current skills, doing something you enjoy, from anywhere in the world,

Build it once.
Earn forever

Taught by Florencia Andres
a Mindvalley Teacher

" Let´s Build Your Own Profitable Online Course together based on your current knowledge from your profession or hobby "

Make an Extra 10K Per Month

from your profession, experience or hobby

Package your Expertise
in an Online Course

Build it Once,
Earn Forever

With the Best
 AI Tool



The whole tech thing is overwhelming: build a website, set up an email list, create digital products, use AI properly…it sounds like a foreign language to me!”

I am not a guru, I have never taught anything before, how would pay for a course I create?

I don’t even have a big following on Instagram, will anyone even care about what I have to offer?”

Don´t even get me started on time. Between work, family, and so many other things on my plate, I already feel there´s not enough hours in the day

What if I invest time and money doing something that might not work out?”

Being a content entrepreneur and having a lifestyle of freedom sounds great…but I don´t even know where to start. Like…what is my passion? What could I possibly teach? I feel lost”

Let me guess what you are thinking... 🤔

Online Business Made Easy
Freedom + New Income
A Dream Lifestyle Unlocked

This is why we created the easiest method to earn money online by packaging what you already know -your currents skills or interests- into an online course...without the guesswork! 

i know the feeling of confusion and overwhelm that STARTING an online business can bring...
but making money online does not have to be confusing.

Have you ever kicked yourself for missing out on a golden opportunity? 🤦🏻‍♀️

Well, prepare to never feel that regret again my friend!

Now it is easier than ever with custom Artificial Intelligence that does 80% of the work for you

Let's talk numbers, and I mean big numbers.
The e-learning market is skyrocketing: it will hit an astonishing $375 billion by 2026. As you read this, there are hundreds of thousands of people buying an online course. That's not just growth; that's a revolution. So why does this matter to you? Cause if you are not selling your own online course -from your current skills or passions- you are missing on the biggest trend.

I started creating online courses from my home 10 years ago, without technology, without followers, and while caring for my 2 babies. I made my way up to become one of Mindvalleys´ top online course creators and now I run my own 7 figure online business. Mostly in my pajamas :-)

I fell in love with this lifestyle of making money from my home, doing something I love. And thats why Im passionate about sharing this: cause it completely changed my life.

If you are wondering: am I late to the party? Let me reassure you: you are not late. This business will keep growing like crazy. If you start today to create your online course you are doing it at the perfect time.

Easy Launch Academy offers
the only AI tool for course creators designed by course creators! 🖥️

Are you intimidated by AI? I hear you my friend!

I freaked out 🫨 when AI came out, but then I understood we could use it in our favor.

Our mission at Easy Launch Academy is to make Course Creation as easy as possible, for as many people as possible.

That´s why we have spent months designing a tool powered by AI so that now, for the first time ever, course creation is accesible to anyone.

Our unique AI Course Creation Software makes the process 80% easier and faster than ever before. And trust me: you will love it. Its so user friendly that every one of our students loves it!

What used to take months,
is done in a few days!

Say goodbye to endless hours writing lessons, emails, social media posts. With our tool, you do everything with a few clicks:
End-to-end marketing Funnels, Sales Page, Thank you page, entire Email Sequence, and much more...

for 3


What is so new about this is not the results, because I and thousands of other people have been making great money creating online courses, for years.

Now the difference is that, today -for the first time ever- we are able to automate nearly all of the process, because of AI. 

This is a real, actionable model to have your own online business, even if you have zero previous experience, you don´t know what to sell or you don’t have followers. And you can do it without sacrificing time with your family, without giving up your current job if you don’t want to, without the regular costs of starting an online business, without any complicated technical stuff.

I have never seen a more convenient way of creating a constant, automated source of income online in your free time. 

If it wasn’t obvious by now, creating and selling courses the traditional way is DEAD!  🪦


The "Easy Launch Academy" simplifies the journey of creating and selling your profitable online course with a user-friendly approach
and with  the only AI tool that was created by course creators, for course creators.

The new era in Course Creation

Welcome to


I followed all the steps. In my first launch I earned $16.000, in the 2nd launch $25.000. I don’t plan on quitting my job at the hospital, because I enjoy it, but money wise, I could quit if I wanted. Florencia is the most incredible mentor. She explains with total clarity and is a phenomenal motivator 😁

Vanessa, Medical Doctor

Imagine reclaiming your time, enjoying weekday lunches with friends, hitting the gym at 2 pm,
and being there to pick up your kids from school. 😁

Imagine making an even bigger impact, having the time to follow your passions and help more people. Whether it's writing a book, getting a mentor, or taking on new adventures, you're free to do it all.🙌

IMAGINE a life where you have the flexibility to work from anywhere you like, whether it's
a beach, a city, a coffee shop, or your sofa. 💻

Imagine saying goodbye to late work nights and hello to relaxed evenings with your loved ones. goodbye burnout, hello balance! 🧘🏻

You don´t need to imagine it anymore:
Easy Launch Academy is a proven method to

But why delay your dreams? 

Make that dream lifestyle a reality

You might have a course idea in your mind for months,
or perhaps even years... 🤔

Imagine an income that knows no limits, allowing you to invest in your personal growth, clear debts, or treat yourself to luxurious vacations.🎁

“I had created yoga courses in the past, but never made good income from them. When I went through this programe, I could not believe how fast I created my new online course, understood how many mistakes I was making, and I built a new course, had it ready in a few days, and it is already selling more than all my other courses combined.
 This stuff works.”

Sonia, Yoga Instructor


My daughter told me she is proud of me for the first time in her life. That to me, means the world. Of course I also love the revenue side to this, but having my daughter tell me she feels proud of me because I finally created my own an amazing feeling. Florencia you are the best mentor one could ask for”

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis: Gain insights into how your launch performed, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Understand conversion rates, webinar show-up rates, email open rates, and overall sales to plan for an even more significant impact next time (if it all sounds like foreign language right now, don´t worry, you´ll gain mastery in this module)

Metrics Made Simple: Use our metrics tracker to keep a close eye on how your assets performed during the launch. Understanding your numbers is key to continual improvement and boosting future sales.

Valuable Student Feedback: Collect feedback from your course participants to ensure they have everything they need for success. Their insights are invaluable for course refinement.

Streamlined Customer Support: Learn how to efficiently manage the surge in customer service requests from new students, ensuring a smooth experience for everyone.


In the final module of our Easy Launch Academy program *sad frown* we cover the different options for creating your ongoing passive income system, where your course practically sells itself. We'll dive into how to set up your sales on autopilot, get a glimpse of  how to run ads, explore the pros and cons of different systems, and discuss strategies for continued growth and scaling.
I´ll provide a general overview of various options and share with you my personal favourites, 
But we don´t wave goodbye: you have one entire year of participation in our exclusive, this party is not over

Build Your Ongoing Passive Income System

Sales on Autopilot: Discover how to set up your course for continuous sales without the constant hustle. It's like having your own 24/7 sales team working for you.

Ads 101: Get a foundational understanding of paid advertising. We won't go too deep into the details, but you'll learn what you need to know before running paid ads, setting you up for future success.

Exploring Systems: We'll discuss various systems for building ongoing passive income, exploring their pros and cons. This insight will help you make informed decisions for your unique course.

Scaling Your Success: Learn strategies for continuing to grow and scale your course, reaching even more eager students and expanding your impact.


This is the step-by-step roadmap to transition from scarcity to abundance 

Corse Creation Academy

Welcome to Module 1 of Easy Launch Academy! This is where the magic begins as we uncover what you'll be selling and select the perfect course topic. The foundation of your online course journey starts right here, and it's undoubtedly the most crucial step in the process.
Feeling a bit uncertain about your expertise or struggling to pinpoint the right course topic? Fear not! I'm here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring you choose a course topic that resonates with your audience's needs from the get-go. This means no time wasted on the wrong course. I'll personally walk you through my step-by-step process, empowering you to create a course that not only sells but also makes a genuine impact.

What to Sell:
How to pick the perfect thing to sell online, your course topic


My unique formula for choosing and validating your course topic.

AI-Powered Course Ideas: Utilize our powerful AI tool to brainstorm course ideas and accelerate the process tenfold

Discover the sub-niches within your chosen niche that are not only in high demand but also command top dollar in today's market.

Validate your idea: Then you choose the idea you like the most and you will validate it by using the process we will teach you.

Create your irresistible offer: the formula to make your clients want your product or service.

Niche Insights: all my knowledge on what is a good niche, and what is not. I´ve learned from the actual best people in the market today.Gain valuable insights into what constitutes a profitable niche, drawing from the wisdom of industry leaders.


Our special AI tool will ensure that your online course is exactly what your audience needs!


use our AI tool to choose you perfect course topic.
- as simple as putting an address to the gps in your car 🚘🧭

Understanding WHO your ideal client is before designing your course is the game-changer. It's the secret sauce that can either turn your course into a sales sensation or leave it echoing with crickets. And trust me, even if you're a subject matter expert, you can still get this part wrong. Been there, done that.
My mission is to save you time and fast-track your journey from zero to profit, so get ready for some enlightening insights in this transformative module.

Who to Sell it to


Who is your target Audience: WHO to sell to is the ability to understand your clients pains and needs SO well, that you can then talk to them in their language.

Crafting Your Brand Voice: Achieve effective communication with your target audience. When you speak their language, you won't have to push sales onto them; they'll eagerly accept your offerings. And thanks to AI, a process that once took weeks or even months can now be streamlined.

Know Their Problems Inside Out: Uncover advanced sales tactics and marketing strategies that delve deep into human psychology. Understand your clients on a profound level, from their worries and late-night anxieties to the topics of their spousal disputes. We'll even explore the exact words they use to express their problems, as it's these intricate details that lead to a perfect understanding of your client.


Who is your target Audience: WHO to sell to is the ability to understand your clients pains and needs SO well, that you can then talk to them in their language.

Crafting Your Brand Voice: Achieve effective communication with your target audience. When you speak their language, you won't have to push sales onto them; they'll eagerly accept your offerings. And thanks to AI, a process that once took weeks or even months can now be streamlined.

Know Their Problems Inside Out: Uncover advanced sales tactics and marketing strategies that delve deep into human psychology. Understand your clients on a profound level, from their worries and late-night anxieties to the topics of their spousal disputes. We'll even explore the exact words they use to express their problems, as it's these intricate details that lead to a perfect understanding of your client.




With our special AI tool you will build your complete Customer Avatar with just a few clicks!


 Module 2

I made so many mistakes in this step. For years I took the DIY approach, the hit n miss approach…I spent hours googling, watching tutorials, then I spent a ton of money on courses that left me even more confused...and nothing was working as I wanted to. 
Until I became friends and business partners with the online geniuses -like Vishen Lakhiani, Peter Kell, Alessio Pieroni- and this is what I did:  I took everything I learned from them, and created my own framework on how to build an online course, the easy way. And when I put this framework to a test I was mindblown! Which is what I personally teach you in this module.

Design Your Course for Maximum Impact



If you are thinking: I do not want my face on camera, and even if I wanted it...I dont have any pro film gear or any knowledge. No worries, I will teach you how to record your course even if you’re the opposite of a techie, if you have no budget for fancy equipment, or have never recorded a single video in your entire life...and I will also show you the way to do your entire course without having to talk to a camera if you don´t want to. And if you want to be on camera, but feel awkward, I´ll share my techniques to look and sound like a total pro!

Expertly Film / Record Your Course



Recording Basics: Discover how to film yourself using whatever equipment you already have. Your phone is perfectly fine! I'll provide tips on setting up a home studio if you prefer that or how to film your course without showing your face if that's your preference.

Engagement Essentials: Get the best tips for creating captivating video content, including lighting, sound, and camera techniques that won't break the bank.

Mastering Storytelling: Learn storytelling techniques that will make your videos absolutely irresistible, boosting your course sales beyond your wildest dreams.

Editing Like a Pro: Discover how to edit and enhance your video and audio content to achieve a professional finish, all in a straightforward and accessible way..


 Module 4


You don´t need one. But if you want to look like you are recording from a high-end studio -without spending thousands of dollars, I´ll show you how

Step by step approach to design your perfect course - you will go from "this course idea sounds good" to creating an awesome course that makes you earn money right off the bat.

A breakdown of the whole creation process
- you will define your course type, size, length, title, guesswork needed.

My proven method to create a course that is guaranteed to get your students the results they want - I´ve been creating top rated online courses for over 8 years, and Im teaching you all my secrets. 

Defining the modules of your course : organize the modules in a way that takes your students from where they are, to where they want to be. We will go over what modules you need to create, how many, how long, what the transformational journey of your students/clients looks like.

Name your course: put a title to your course that will make people to stop to look at it, instead of continuing scrolling. Naming it properly is a key part of this.

 module 3

 Module 3

 AN AI TOOL that was designed BY COURSE CREATORS,

for course creators (no ChatGPT generic stuff)

OurAI Tool writes out the script of each module of your course, in your exact voice 🗣️



Module 1

Module 2

Strategic Content Transition: Learn how to transition your social media content from regular nurturing to pre-launch strategic content, making your audience crave your offer before it's available.

 Content Goals and Planning: Set weekly content goals and execute a 4-week social media sales plan to prepare your followers for immediate course enrollment.

Leveraging Your Network: Discover how to maximize your existing network and audience to generate buzz before your course launch.

Testimonial Collection Blueprint: Follow a step-by-step guide to collect early testimonials and reviews that will build credibility and anticipation for your course.

Creating Your Launch Plan: Together, we'll craft your Launch plan, covering pre-launch, launch, and post-launch strategies.

Pre-Launch Audience Prep & List Building: We'll dive into the crucial pre-launch phase. Learn how to prime your audience and build your list effectively.

Social Media Strategy: Wondering what to post on social media and when? Get answers to these burning questions and more, ensuring your course launch is nothing short of spectacular.


In this section, I meet you exactly where you are:
You don´t even know what a launch is? I got you covered. This is for you even if the only thing you have is a good idea...but you don´t know what to do next.

You´ve done many launches, but not enough sales? Maybe you have a good product, but cannot hit your revenue goals, no matter how hard you try. That is all about to change.

Your launches are working but you are exhausted? so maybe sales is not your problem, but you end up feeling so tired after each launch, that you question what "online freedom" really means. I will show you a much simpler way.
In this module I personally help you build a simple and effective launching plan.



our AI tool  generates all your pre-launch social media content.
What used to take hours will now be done in a flash. 📲

Module 5


Get ready to toss your course creator cap up in the air- and we are celebrating your graduation with the best reward ever: to let the world know about the awesome course you created. Let the sales take off!
IHave you ever wondered: how do all these online geniuses sell hundreds of thousands from a single asset? the mystery ends here, goodbye to the guessing game!
And it is the module I feel most passionate about because this is where you get the reward for all your effort. And it is my personal mission that you succeed. So no more crossing fingers hoping your work pays off. This is where your story changes.
In this module Im personally sharing the strategies that have enabled me to  ell more than 10.000 courses of my first course, and the strategy that took the tiny company I started from my kitchen table, to generate over 7 figures...mostly in my pajamas!

Sell Your Course -
Launch time 🚀



Mastering Webinar Success: Learn my go-to webinar framework that leaves your audience thinking, "I'll have what she's having!" Your webinar becomes your new course.

Setting Up Your Webinar Funnel: Confused about building a webinar funnel and handling sign-up pages, thank-you pages, and show-up emails? You'll get the must-knows.

Audience Hype: Discover how to hype up your audience and get them signing up for your webinar, your #1 asset for selling your course.

Early Bird Strategies: Learn how to create an irresistible early bird offer that encourages your audience to take action.

Selling Mindset: Learn how to get into the selling mindset, even if your stomach's filled with butterflies, you've never hosted a webinar before, and  you hate the idea of selling.

how to create a webinar that sells like hotcakes! 🥞

 For the first time ever Im revealing ALL the secrets on creating your One Million Webinar.
I'm thrilled to share the same webinar formula that guarantees sales, a formula I personally learned from industry leaders like Vishen Lakhiani, Alessio Pieroni, Brendan Kane and Peter Kell. 🙌

learning this formula pays for the course itself! ⚡️

 Module 6


Our AI-Powered Copywriting Tool Is Like Having A Super-Smart Writer Friend Who Speaks Just Like You. ✍🏻

What do we do once you’ve officially launched your first course? We celebrate. Then we get busy again...cause the game doesn´t end with your first launch. In fact, it just got started! 
Our next mission: to make your next launch even better than the first.
And the only way to do that is to look at your numbers *ugh*
If you are just like me and don´t really vibe with analyzing metrics, don´t panic.
My method to review your launch is crystal clear, simple and easy, as the rest of the process.  

Evaluating Your Launch 



Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis: Gain insights into how your launch performed, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Understand conversion rates, webinar show-up rates, email open rates, and overall sales to plan for an even more significant impact next time (if it all sounds like foreign language right now, don´t worry, you´ll gain mastery in this module)

Metrics Made Simple: Use our metrics tracker to keep a close eye on how your assets performed during the launch. Understanding your numbers is key to continual improvement and boosting future sales.

Valuable Student Feedback: Collect feedback from your course participants to ensure they have everything they need for success. Their insights are invaluable for course refinement.

Streamlined Customer Support: Learn how to efficiently manage the surge in customer service requests from new students, ensuring a smooth experience for everyone.

The Testimonial Transformation Blueprint

What's the secret sauce that can supercharge your sales, taking them to heights you've only dreamed of? It's not just any ingredient; it's the right testimonials! But hold on, not all testimonials are created equal.
In this exclusive bonus section, I´ll show you how to do it like a seasoned pro.
Forget the guesswork, the awkwardness of asking for testimonials, and the time wasted on collecting lukewarm endorsements. We're bringing you a rock-solid framework that eliminates the hassle and maximizes the impact of your testimonials.
I have spent the last decade learning from the absolute best in the business, and now we're ready to spill the beans. I'll walk you through our exact method for capturing testimonials that truly pack a punch. 


 Module 7

The Support Does Not End Here!

But here's the best part: Our journey doesn't end here. You're invited to stay with us for an entire year of continued participation in our exclusive group. 🥳 So, rest assured, this isn't the end of the party; it's just the beginning of an exciting new chapter in your online course journey! 🌟

“A big surprise of this program was the community. Such a great vibe! And I got very useful reviews for my course before I even tried to sell it”

Financial analist


Mindset & Manifestation  sessions

Each module now includes a Mindset and Manifestation session, specifically designed to quantum leap your results in each phase. These powerful sessions REWIRE YOUR SUBCONSCIOuS MIND TO UNLOCK MAXIMUM ABUNDANCE

Manifesting Your Dream Life 


The first thing we do once you’ve officially launched your first course? We celebrate. Then we get back to work, so the next time you launch is even better. In the final module *sad tear* of The Online Course Bootcamp, you’ll discover how to evaluate your launch, fill in any gaps, and turn what you’ve already created into an ever-lasting revenue stream you can profit from over and over.

Learn how to manage the influx of customer service requests you get from new students — so you can make this process as smooth as buttah

Collect feedback from the people inside your course (It’s the only way to ensure your students have got everything they need to succeed!)

Set boundaries around email and social media messages (Remember, you’re in charge, woman!)

Set up a clear process for collecting written and video testimonials, so you can let your results speak for themselves — and ultimately, sell your course for you

Get the lowdown on how your launch went — both in the quantitative and qualitative sense

Analyze your conversion rate, your webinar show-up rate, your email open rates, and your overall sales so you can go even bigger next time

“To go evergreen or to live launch again?” That is the question you’ll answer inside the final lesson in this module

Why am I including these sessions in the Easy Launch Academy? 

Here's the thing: initially, we had planned to offer these mindset and manifestation lessons as a separate program. But, I really want you to have massive success in this , and these sessions have played SUCH a key role in both my journey and the journeys of thousands that I've coached...that I decided to include them.

Because the secret to launching your online course successfully lies not only in having the best tactics and tools, but it also in having your mindset 100% aligned with your big dreams and goals. 

Each module in the Easy Launch Academy now also comes with its own unique "Brainwash" moment, a transformative experience that rewires your brain for quantum leaps in your results. These "Brainwashes" aren't just about positive thinking; they're deeply rooted in scientific principles that guide you toward creating a new reality, and they align your vibe with your dream life.

A Glimpse into My Mindset and Vibe Journey
For over a decade, I've had the privilege of learning directly from some of the world's most renowned manifestors, people like Marie Diamond, Joe Dispenza, Regan Hillyer, Emily Fletcher...What's even cooler? Many of them have become my close friends.

Activate your Abundance Accelerator
Our Mindset and Manifestation sessions are not about empty theory or aimless chatting. These are powerful activations backed by science and infused with high vibration.  

I've been honored to be ranked as the number one female motivator in three world-class summits, I was chosen by Mindvalley as the mindset coach and motivator for their events over the past three years, and authored best-selling books on mindset and motivation. But what's been the cornerstone of my success? My personal subconscious activation exercises, which I jokingly call my "daily brainwash." These practices, have enabled me to craft in my mind precisely what I want to achieve. And I am now teaching them to you when you join our
Easy Launch Academy.

Introducing the "Brainwashes"

Powerful subconscious

 your success

Brainwash in module 1: "Manifest Your Dream Business" 
Unleash your inner entrepreneur and ignite your business dreams with this Brainwash. You'll channel your passion into a crystal-clear vision, setting the stage for your entrepreneurial journey.

Brainwash in module 2: "Attract Your Perfect Clients"
Dive into the art of client attraction. This Brainwash will align your energy with your ideal clients, magnetizing them to your offerings effortlessly.

Brainwash in module 3: "Create Your Epic Course"
Craft your course with absolute confidence. This Brainwash will empower you to unleash your creative genius and transform your ideas into a course that shines.

Brainwash in module 4: "Become Totally Confident"
Elevate your self-belief to new heights. This Brainwash will eradicate self-doubt, leaving you with unshakable confidence in your abilities.

Brainwash in module 5: "Financial Prosperity Visualizations"
This Brainwash will guide you through visualization exercises to align your mindset with prosperity, attracting wealth and abundance into your business effortlessly.

Brainwash in module 6: "The Quantum Leap"
Expand your perception of possibilities, helping you break through limitations and take bold, decisive actions to propel your business to new heights of success.

Brainwash in module 7: "Post-launch Mastery Reinforcement"
Reinforce your mastery of business principles, providing strategies to optimize and scale your business after the initial launch phase.

Brainwash in module 8: "Visualize Your Unstoppable Growth"
Cultivate a mindset of expansion and abundance, empowering you to manifest unstoppable growth and success in your entrepreneurial journey.

"I had lots of followers, but almost no clients. I was burnout from creating content.  I implemented what I learned in Easy Launch Academy, and I am now making 35k per month.  Forever grateful to Florencia and team"

These Are The BONUSES
You Get When you enroll

Easy Launch Academy

My private coaching programs have been in such high demand that I've had to stop accepting new clients for nearly two years now. These programs, where I dedicate my time and expertise, typically begin at $20,000 per month. And, guess what? My coaching schedule is booked solid for the next 14 months!

Now, you might wonder, why am I making this exception? Why am I offering these live coaching calls with me, absolutely free of charge? The answer is simple: I am deeply committed to making this program your most successful venture ever. Your dreams and goals matter to me, and I want to ensure that you have all the tools, knowledge, and support you need to thrive.

In our live coaching calls, you'll have the chance to ask me all your questions, and I'll be there to provide you with personalized guidance.These calls are a blend of tactical sessions and high-vibe motivation.

I believe in the power of connection, and these live coaching calls will not only equip you with the strategies you need but also infuse your journey with inspiration, motivation, and an unwavering belief in your potential.

LIVE coaching sessions with Florencia throughout the program

bonus #1


bonus #2


Your sales page, sales emails, webinar sign-up page, webinar invitation emails, and webinar reminder emails are all essential components.

Hiring a professional copywriter for this job can be pricey, often exceeding $7,000. Alternatively, you could write them yourself, but it might take days, weeks, or even months as you wrestle with words to engage your audience effectively.

We will provide you with 90 days of access to the A.I. that will write 80% of everything you need to launch your course.

Skip the copywriter and save money. You'll love this unique Online Creation Software-AI (3 months Access Covered)

365 Days of Connection and Support

Imagine having a whole year to connect with other motivated creators who, like you, are passionate about making a lasting impact and earning what they deserve.

During this year, you can ask any questions you have about creating courses, share your achievements as they occur, and celebrate every step of your journey. And you can also use this space as a networking hub, to make meaningful connections for life!

One Year Of Assistance Within The Exclusive Facebook Group For Members. 

bonus #3


The question I'm asked most often about creating courses is, 'Which platform should I use?' My consistent response is Kajabi.

Kajabi offers everything you require to successfully launch and market your online course, all in one convenient location. It's user-friendly, an all-inclusive platform, so there's no need to integrate with external email, landing page builders, or payment processing systems; it's all seamlessly integrated. It's the most user-friendly platform available, with top-notch support."

Avoid the frustration of dealing with tech issues by enjoying a 30-day FREE trial of Kajabi, our preferred all-in-one course platform

bonus #4


Creating your own online course has never been easier...

When you enroll, you'll gain lifelong access to all the course content, including the training modules, resources, and any bonuses offered.

Lifetime access to the course 

bonus #6


Creating your own online course has never been easier...

This AI shortcut is like clicking the fast forward button, going from zero to sales in less than a month


From the top in the industry

“Florencia is the best woman out there to teach you how to do this, to give you the skills and the confidence.
She rocks!”

Featured in “The Secret”, owner of a Millionaire Online Brand 

Thank you Florencia for your powerful guidance. I was so reluctant to niche down, I thought I would lose a ton of clients...but it was quite the contrary! Everything you taught us was so practical, easy to follow...and you are such a delight. Hands down the best course I´ve ever attended"

isabelle tripled her income

"I launched my course and gained over $40k, after understanding the power of niching down


from my students:

I did the course in the morning nap of the twins. It is so well organized and clear you can get it down in less than an hour a day. And the live sessions with Florencia were my personal energy booster. I loved every minute of this experience"


"I have 4 kids, including baby twins. I never thought I could do something like this"

I´ve been in the real state industry for 9 years. I love it, but it is a very personalized and time consuming job. And you need a lot of time to create profit. Enrolling in Easy Launch Academy was the best decision ever"

rebeca freed up her schedule

"I now have 38 students in my second launch, and $17 in profit

“I had never created a digital product. I was so scared of the technology aspect of this…but it was SO simple to follow. Im so proud of what I have created"

"I´ve been a wedding planner for over 15 years, and had never thought of creating a course!



From the top in the industry

 "I love what Florencia is doing, she is such a great soul and she has the potential to positively impact the lives of billions around the world"

Self-made Billionaire, founder of Viome
and Moon Express
Board of Singularity University.


Course Creation Academy

Easy Launch Academy is designed for a wide range of individuals looking to harness the power of online courses to boost their income and achieve financial freedom. It's perfect for:

Freelancers: If you're a freelancer offering your expertise to clients, you can transform your skills into a lucrative online course. Let's say you specialize in custom branding packages. You could create a course teaching students how to develop their branding strategies, allowing you to serve a broader audience and increase the value of your services.

Coaches: If your coaching income is limited by the hours you can work, Easy Launch Academy will show you how to deliver your transformative coaching on a much larger scale. By launching a course, you can impact more lives while enjoying the freedom of selling your expertise continuously.

Content Creators: If you're a content creator seeking a passive income stream, but you're unsure where to begin, our program has you covered. Learn how to choose a compelling course topic, sell it effectively, and attract eager buyers. We've got all the course creation secrets you need!

Bloggers and Social Media Influencers: Do you have a blog or a thriving Instagram following, even if it's small but loyal? A course could be a fantastic way to monetize your content, but if you're new to the world of online business, you might need guidance. Easy Launch Academy will teach you the ins and outs of launching a course and attracting your ideal audience.

9-to-5ers: If you're juggling a day job and a side hustle, and your side gig needs to provide substantial income to allow you to quit your day job, we can help you achieve that goal. Say goodbye to your 9-to-5 and hello to financial independence!

Skilled Hobbyists: If you have a hobby or passion that you're eager to share with others, Easy Launch Academy can help you turn it into a profitable venture. For example, if you're a photography enthusiast, you can create a photography course that teaches budding photographers the art and techniques of capturing stunning images.

Industry Experts: If you're an expert in your industry, Easy Launch Academy is the perfect platform to create a scalable income source. For instance, suppose you have a wealth of knowledge in real estate investment. In that case, you can develop a comprehensive real estate course, sharing insights on property acquisition, rental strategies, and wealth-building through real estate investments.

No matter your background or experience level, if you're feeling confused, tired, curious, or overwhelmed about how to make more money online, Easy Launch Academy provides the guidance, knowledge, and support you need to succeed.

I understand your concerns, and I ncourage you to verify the legitimacy of any online program you consider. Here's why you can trust Easy Launch Academy:
Proven Experience: I have 10+ years of experience in the online course creation industry, with a successful track record in different markets.
Teaching Excellence: With over 15 years of teaching experience and recognition as one of the best teacher at Mindvalley, I specilialise at making complex concepts easy to understand.
Diverse Market Success: I have delivered online courses with great success in various markets, and different languages, proving adaptability and effectiveness.
Endorsements: Industry leaders, including those who've generated millions in course revenue, endorse my work. To name a few of the most influential people in the online course creation industry:
Marisha Lakhiani, who has created $120 million in revenue for Mindvalley, says: "Florencia is outstanding, everyone loves her and her work! You are in safe hands to transform your life!"
Gerard Adams, who has built 8 multi-million companies, states: "Her clarity, simplicity, and capacity to motivate you are mind-blowing."
Marie Diamond, renowned from "The Secret," who has built a millionaire online brand, says: "Florencia is the best woman out there to teach you how to do this, to give you the skills and the confidence. She rocks!"
Eric Edmeades, founder of Inception Marketing and Business Freedom, praises Florencia's "clarity, knowledge, passion, and incredible energy."
Vishen, the founder of Mindvalley, who has created $100 million selling online courses, hails Florencia as "a force of nature" and describes her online trainings as "fabulous."

I´m sooo glad you asked!! I´m Ginny, Im part of Florenciás team and I want to answer this question because I was in charge of doing the benchmarking, comparing our product to all of the ones that are available in the market.
IAfter studying the market, this is what we know: Easy Launch Academy stands out in several ways, offering a totally unique and powerful learning experience. Here´s some of the aspects in which it is totally different:

1. AI Tool Designed for Course Creation: Unlike generic AI tools, our specialized AI tool was created specifically for course creation. It's a game-changer, saving you time and delivering exceptional final products tailored for your course. And here´s the thing: the engineers behind this tool have great expertise in course creation...which means the tool works incredibly well to help you build your course in record time.

2. Mindset Expertise: Our program incorporates Florencia's extensive background as a mindset and motivational coach, working with world-famous athletes, celebrities, and hundreds of thousands of individuals. Her motivational speeches have garnered millions of views online. You won't just learn technical skills; you'll stay motivated and inspired throughout the program. And Florencia is fully invested in this program, meaning her live sessions are juicy, and she has made her personal mission to make students succeed with this program. Most of the other online programs available today, are very good at the initial point of contact with the student, but once they enroll, the motivation starts dropping. That does not happen here 

3. Comprehensive Approach: Easy Launch Academy offers the best of both worlds. You'll receive step-by-step guidance on creating, selling, and automating your course, covering all the technical and tactical aspects. Plus, Florencia serves as your motivational coach for the entire 8-week duration, a unique opportunity to tap into her expertise.

We're committed to ensuring you not only start your course but also see it through to success. That's what sets us apart from the rest.

I completely understand. Taking the leap and investing in yourself can be a little intimidating.
I understand the program seems like a pricey step to take. Now what I want you to remember is the huge difference between spending and investing. 
This is not an expensive thing that you are buying: this is not a Louis Vuitton bag, or an expensive bottle of perfume. This is an investment in yourself, your future lifestyle and your financial freedom. It is also an investment in your self esteem, cause you will feel so empowered once you have this thing ready and going. And you are saving SO much time. You will make so much more beyond your initial investment! You are investing in something that will make you money.

What better way to invest your money in something that will give you money??
f I can give you one piece of advice is invest in learning skills that will make you earn money. Before earning you gotta go through the learning.
And if it is not with this program, do it with any other program you consider valuable. Just do not let your mind convince you that you have to be making money, before you invest into learning how to make money. It just doesn’t work that way.

If having an Online Business is something you really want, this is the easiest, safest, smartest way of doing it.
There is not a degree in university you can take.
And if you want to learn all the different aspects of making a course profitable:
Learning who to sell to, learning to build it, learning how to to sell it, to film it, to automate it, learning the marketing aspects to it and more…you would have to pay tons of money to buy everything from different places, you would end up broke and overwhelmed.
And Ive made it as easy as possible.

Please hear me out on this: one of the worst mistakes we make as entrepreneurs, or wantrepreneurs is thinking “there will be a better time to do this”, or “im not ready, I need more time, more money, more support”…
The best time to start this is right now. I can guarantee you this.
I started my online business when I had babies.

Do you think that was ideal?
I had a 2 year old, and a newborn. I was living at that time in one of the worst economies on the planet. I had no money saved. I had zero previous knowledge on online businesses. I was terrible with technology. That´s how I started.. And it completely changed my life.
The reason I decided to start creating online courses was because I wanted to be at home with my children. 

But The reason I decided to stay in this business is because I discovered a lifestyle that I absolutely love and that I want you to discover too:
-the freedom to own my schedule and work wherever I want to. I have moved to different countries in this years, cause I am completely free regarding my location and the time of the day I want to work
- the freedom to say NO to everything that was time consuming and not as impactful, like one-on-clients, or tons of traveling for work
- the joy of knowing this is my own thing. And to have now a dream team that works with me. 
- the empowerement of making 8 figures from a single asset that I created and scaled—and how that translated into being able to buy my dream car, and have my dream home overlooking the Mediterranean, and take my family on awesome vacations
- and above all, the satisfaction of seeing how much this is changing peoples lives. 

And I know this can completely transform your life as well. So if you are ready, don´t overthink it, and enroll whenever you see enrollment is open again.

"I had taken 2 courses to learn how to build my online business before: they were quite confusing and hard to follow. When a friend recommended me to enroll in Florencia´s program I was skeptical thinking it would be the same...but Easy Launch was the exact opposite to the other programs: very clear, doable, well-explained, professionally delivered. And Florencia does a fantastic job as a business coach and mindset mentor. I´m telling everyone I know about this experience"

MICHELLE,  Parenting Expert

I wish I knew what I know today, to make my journey towards financial freedom a lot faster. Today I have a system that allows me to make 7 figures with ease, from my home, while I make my time with my family my number one priority.


I am known for having built some of the most successful online courses on the market today. My courses have been rated with 5 stars consistently and I have been ranked as a top online trainer in Mindvalley -the behemoth of the online course industry.

Back when I was younger everyone I knew made money in the same way: they had a job--Work many many years– bought a house or 2 – retire. So the implicit message was that the way to make money was this: work hard all your life, invest in properties, and with that, you retire. So, I joined the workforce, landing a high-paying consulting job. It seemed like I was on the fast track to success, but something didn't feel right. Despite the paycheck, I felt trapped. The daily grind, long commutes, and unfulfilling work left me drained. I questioned if this was the life I truly wanted,

I’m Florencia Andres

My journey
 to freedom

Starting my "Independent life"...
 I thought, "Hey, if I'm making money, why not make it on my own terms?" So, I waved goodbye to that consulting gig and decided to do the same work but on my own.
I started coaching one-on-one, ran some small workshops, dabbled in speaking gigs, and embraced the hustle of an independent life. I was enjoying the self-employed gig, but lurking in the background was a nagging thought: "Can I keep up this pace when I become a mom?"  Cause all of my income depended on me physically being there for clients, flying to speaking events...Fast forward, and I became a mother. Life took a 180-degree turn. My fabulous freelance life had one major hiccup—I had to leave the house to make money. With a toddler and a newborn in tow, that was the last thing I wanted to do.

Transitioning my work to an "Online format"
I was on a quest to find a way to make money from home. That's when the idea of making money online hit me. I dove into research, reading books, devouring podcasts, and binge-watching YouTube videos. I was clueless but determined.

I decided to start my online business, gradually transitioning clients to online coaching. I was making good money, but there was a problem. Yes, I was my own boss, but I was now worse off than when I had a traditional job! I was working more, I was stressing out more, I was driving myself to exhaustion cause I was still trading time for money.

…and I was constantly having this guilt feeling with me: when I took time off to be with them, I felt like I should be working.
When I was working, I was feeling “I should spend more time with my kids”.
I realized that even though I was working online, I was still in the mindset of “the only way to make money is by trading your time for it”. After all, everyone I knew made money by putting in their time in exchange.

Unlocking Real Freedom and Financial Abundance
During my journey, I searched high and low for like-minded individuals. My family, friends, and everyone I knew followed the traditional path—get a job, work, retire. But I craved something different. I read books, joined masterminds, attended seminars—anything to find those who saw life differently.
Then, I stumbled upon a game-changer: Vishen Lakhiani, the founder of Mindvalley. This guy went from being a meditation teacher barely making 5k a month to becoming a millionaire.He introduced me to the magic of passive income. You build something once, and it keeps filling your pockets while you sip a margarita on a beach somewhere. I finally cracked the code, my friend. To achieve true financial freedom, you need income that flows like a river, whether you're snoozing, sunbathing on a beach, or hanging out with your kids. And guess what? Building an online course is the golden ticket.
You take what you already know, whether it's from your job, your hobbies, or your random obsessions, and you pack it into an online course. No fancy degrees required, no need to be a guru, and forget about building an army of social media followers. You don't even need a secret lair filled with high-tech equipment. It's simpler than you think.

The magic here is passive income—it's like finding your financial "flow." You set things up, and the money keeps rolling in, effortlessly. It's not just about getting rich; it's about making a positive impact on the world while your bank account keeps growing. You're no longer trading hours for dollars; you're transcending that old way of thinking.


From the top in the industry

“Florencia is really outstanding. She is practical, fun, empowering…
You are in safe hands to transform your business and your life!”

Chief Growth Officer at Mindvalley

  • Googling “How do I make money with my course?"
  • Feeling overwhelmed by the tech aspects.
  • Copying other peoples strategies, with no success

The Easy Launch Academy- and the step-by-step mentoring- are here to guide you through every step of this journey.

Wave goodbye to

Am I sharing this to brag?
No. Im just showing you that a different way of making money is possible.

I want you to be the next success story in our Easy Launch Academy

“Can one online course bring this level of abundance?"

With the right tools, mindset and consistency, the answer is a big YES! 

My biggest accomplishment, the one that makes me smile ear-to-ear is the success of my students. That´s why I am so passionate about this. Seeing people free themselves form a 9 to 5 that they didn´t enjoy, step into entrepreneurship and gain the freedom of working from home, while making more money than they ever thought possible, is a dream come true.

With the method I share in The Easy Launch Academy,
I´ve been able to:

Sell over 10.000 courses from my first course
 and make over 7 figures with total ease from the new one.

Get hired to speak and teach this in over 20 countries, in English and Spanish (sharing the stage with people like Tom Brady, Naveen Jain, and many other rockstars)

Say no to everything that is not fully aligned with my current vision (one-to-one clients, corporate consulting and brand deals that are not my vibe)

Getting a Youtube Plaque award for the videos I put out there sharing my passion for this lifestyle

Move to my dream home overlooking the mediterranean, pay for the best school for my kids, take my family on exotic vacations and buy my dream car.






Picture your income soaring to new heights, liberated from the time-for-money trap, and no longer reliant on someone else's pay raise.

Craft a future without boundaries, as your business scales and your newfound confidence lets you live life on your own terms.

VISUALIZE your course in the hands of countless students from around the globe, benefitting from your knowledge and expertise

Envision the freedom that comes with a business designed to work for you, waving goodbye to burnout and endless work hours.


Welcome to the Easy Launch Academy, where your dreams of online success become a reality:

Take a deep breath in and...

“All I did was follow the videos. I entered the program without even knowing the topic of my course. The A.I tool is sooo easy to use! just launched my program and made 6300 dollars. And just getting started!

Lynn, Interior Designer

You deserve to make money doing something you love. In your own terms, at your own time, in your own place.

You can be the architect of your life and design a daily routine that suits you perfectly. Creating and selling an online course can help you achieve that level of control and flexibility.

The Easy Launch Academy takes you by the hand to create a profitable, scalable online business of your own.


Stepping into the Online Course Creation business is a pathway to freedom, flexibility and profit

the easy way

Total Value = $9,997



Ready to join "the Easy Launch Academy"  community?


- "Course Creation Academy” Full Programe ($5,500 Value)
- 1 Year Of Assistance Within The Exclusive Facebook Group For Members. ($500 Value)
- Lifetime Access To The Course ($349 Value)
- A.I 3 Months Access To Our A.I Software For Instant Course Creation
($999 Value)
- BONUS #1: 5 Days—Course “CONFIDENCE ACCELERATOR” (Value $650)
- BONUS #2: Course “How To Look And Sound SUPER Confident On Camera Or Onstage” (Value $1.000)
- BONUS #3: ADDITIONAL “Easy Launch Academy” Membership” (Value $998)

($999 value)


3 payments of








($999 value)


3 payments of




the regular price of this program is $1.815 so don't close this page and save $817 when you enroll with our early bird fee




ongoing Live Coaching

($2500 value)


3 Month Free For AI
course creation Software

($999 value)



30 days free of kajabi
Start Plan

(this is my favorite all-in-one platform)



You’ll be backed by a


Enroll now and take a week to check out the first module of the course. If it's not for you, no biggie. We will process you a refund no questions asked.

“I got a chance to experience Florencia´s work first-hand: her clarity and capacity to motivate you are mind-blowing.”

Founder of 8 multi-million companies
The Science of Personal Branding


From the top in the industry

 Take the next step...

Join The Easy Launch Academy.

Our exact launch numbers (number of orders, students, etc.)
Top-performing social media posts, emails, and ads
Pricing strategies
Marketing tactics we tried
What we plan to adjust for next launch
…and so much more.

When you pay in full, snag a FREE backstage pass to see behind-the-curtains of THIS exact launch with Team CG’s Launch Debrief.

Pay in full today so you can replicate our strategies for your future course launch!



"The Easy Launch Academy was a gift from my husband. He enrolled me without even asking me.  And I will forever be grateful to him and to Florencia for changing my business and my life"



By taking action and building an asset that generates scalable income, you break free from the cycle of trading time for money. Don't let your potential remain capped – it's time to unlock limitless possibilities! Join us now and transform your life.